2024-25 Vista Horizon Lottery Form

Please complete the form below. Required fields marked with an asterisk *

Student Legal Last Name*:
Student Legal First Name*:
Student Legal Middle Name:
Gender *:
Date of birth *:
Birth City *:
Birth State *:
Birth Country *:
Grade Level *:
Parent/Guardian relationship (The person who completed this form) *
If you choose "Other", please explain.:

Parent/Guardian(s) Contact Information

First Name *:
Last Name *:


Street Address *:
City *:
State *:
Zip/Postal Code *:
Email *:
Mobile Phone or Primary Phone Number *:
Secondary Phone Number *:
Work Phone or any other phone number:
LAUSD Resident *:
Current Vista Family *:
How did you hear about our school? *:
Please put your first and last initials as your signature:
We will send you a confirmation email with your application number and date. Please keep that email as your receipt until the lottery day. For any questions please call the school office.

Without a valid Email address and confirmation email, your online application is incomplete.
Confirmation Email *: