Roxanne Allessandro
Dear Vista Family,
I am proud to serve as the new Principal of Vista Condor Global Academy and Vista Heritage Global Academy. We have continued to grow and improve as a school, and that is a direct tribute to the passion and dedication on behalf of our staff, students, and parents. This year, we will soar to even greater heights, as we build off of our successes and learn from our challenges.
At Vista Condor and Vista Heritage, we will continue our focus on preparing our students to become college-ready and globally competent through rigorous and relevant instruction and authentic educational opportunities. We will continue our focus on literacy through Reader’s and Writer’s Workshop. We will continue to deeply engage students in challenging academic tasks through the use of Kagan Structures. We will continue to build trusting, meaningful relationships through our nurturing, family atmosphere and through our practice of Way of Council. We will prepare our students for the jobs of tomorrow - jobs that don’t even exist yet - through our innovative STEAM focus, utilizing Project Lead the Way and other state-of-the-art technologies. Finally, we will teach our students to be globally competent citizens of the world, ready to make an impact and become future leaders through our global education framework and partnership with the International Studies Schools Network.
I am going to take a page from the Multi Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) playbook when it comes to our motto for the 2023-24 school year, “ALL Means ALL.” This motto will ring true on multiple levels. ALL students will receive a first-class educational experience that meets their individual academic and socio-emotional needs. ALL students will learn how to show empathy and how to be respectful of everyone around them. ALL students will know that there are multiple staff members at Vista that care for them, love them, and will go above and beyond to make sure they feel safe, comfortable, and ready to learn. ALL staff will commit to being the best possible educators every single day, serving every single student with the highest quality, as if it were their own child. ALL staff will learn continuously and grow professionally, modeling a growth mindset. Finally, ALL parents will be welcomed with open arms as valued members of our Vista Family. Together, when “ALL Means ALL,” we will transform the school experience and we will transform the lives of our students!
It is an honor to serve this magnificent community. This community deserves nothing but the best, and that is my commitment to the entire Vista Family. You will get my best every single day and I expect the same from you, because every day is an opportunity to learn and work toward reaching our goals. Let’s have a great year!
Warm Regards,
Roxanne Allessandro
Roxanne Allessandro
Roxanne Allessandro is the Condor Elementary and Heritage Middle School Principal. This is her 10th year as a school administrator in elementary, middle and high school. Mrs. Allessandro taught elementary school in Los Angeles for almost 20 years. With just about 30 years in public education experience, Mrs. Allessandro is thrilled to be a part of the Vista organization and bring her passion for quality education to our underserved communities.