Late Start 1/30/2024

Late Start 1/30/2024

Greetings Vista Family,

We want to give you an advance notice that we will need to adjust the school start time on Tuesday, JANUARY 30, 2024, to accommodate the Santa Ana Mayor's Breakfast that will be held at Templo Calvario Church that morning.

This event will require a significant amount of parking around the school site, which we typically use for staff parking. As a result, school will begin at 10:00am on Tuesday, JANUARY 30, 2024.

In order to accommodate our families, we will still be offering our before-school program for Tk-8th grade students who are enrolled in THINK Together beginning at 7:00am. We will also be providing our regular bus and van transportation that morning. However, the pickup times in the morning will each be pushed back 90 minutes. If your child uses school transportation, our office will call to verify the new pick-up time for this day.

After school dismissal & transportation will remain the same as usual - 3:00pm for Condor & Heritage and 3:30pm for Meridian.

If you have any questions, please contact our main office at (714) 988-2719.

We understand that this may inconvenience you and your family, and we thank you for your flexibility and understanding.

Thank you,

Mrs. Allessandro & Mr. Speier